
  • Halyna Rozlutska
  • Vitalina Kurytsya
  • Vasyl Kuruts



patriotism, patriotic values, patriotic upbringing, theatrical art, Ukrainian folk traditions, calendar holidays, calendar ritual.


Modern children are growing up in social and political cataclysms. It is important to help them feel involved in the life of their country, a strong connection with their native people, their past and future. Today, the patriotic upbringing of children is an urgent issue because military operations are being conducted on the territory of our state and a serious question arises regarding the training of future defenders, those who will loyally love their country. An important role in this should be played by preschool education institutions as the first link of the Ukrainian system of continuous education. The problem of raising patriotism is extremely multifaceted due to its integrative function. Patriotic feelings do not appear by themselves, they are the result of a long-term educational influence on a person. The leading activity of a preschooler is a game, so the use of a theatrical game can be an effective means of patriotic education. Self-awareness and upbringing of patriotic values ​​in children, in particular love for the Motherland, respect for culture and traditions, can be effectively developed through folk studies and Ukrainian studies at preschool age, or through the theatricalization of calendar-ritual holidays and ceremonies.

The article discusses the issue of fostering patriotism in preschool children using the means of theatrical art. It is argued that patriotic feelings, which are brought up by the means of the artistic word, theatricalization, awaken in children a love for the heroic. Modern approaches to the use of Ukrainian folk traditions in patriotic education of preschool children are proposed.




Author Biographies

Halyna Rozlutska

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Professor of General Pedagogy and High School Pedagogy Department State Univeristy «Uzhhorod National University»

Vitalina Kurytsya

graduate student of the Department of General Pedagogy and higher education pedagogy Uzhhorod National University

Vasyl Kuruts

graduate student of the Department of General Pedagogy and higher education pedagogy Uzhhorod National University





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