Informational support of artistic education of preschool age children


  • Iryna Novoseletska



abilities, art education, art, artistic and creative abilities, children of the 5th year of life, creative development, expressionism, elementary specialized artistic educational institutions, impressionism, peculiarities of art perception


The article highlights the problem of information provision of art education for preschool children. The modern sources and publications, in which the solution of the chosen problem started, are analyzed. The concept of “artistic education”, the conditions of its application in educational institutions, impact on the development of creative personality are specified. Main regulatory and legal framework, managing the system of education, is listed and analyzed. The role of art in developing a harmonious personality of pre-school age children while upbringing and educating them is dwelled on. The question of the influence of art on the forming a harmonious personality is substantiated. Expediency of the use of works of art in the development of children is considered. Requirements for the art offered to children of the 5th year of life are outlined. Appropriateness of using modernistic art forms in familiarizing 5-year-old children with art is substantiated. The examples of artistic works for familiarization preschool children with art are presented. Peculiarities of art perception by 5-year-olders are described. A list of basic normative and legal documents, which regulate the activities of education system, is presented. Expressionism, as one of the modernist directions in familiarization preschool children with art is characterized. The author presents materials, approved in an innovative and sole in Europe Kyiv Children Art Academy. According to legal framework, it belongs to primary specialized art educational institutions and it deals with children who are 4,5 year old children at the moment of entrance.




