Peculiarities of organization of speech therapy work with preschool age children


  • Oleksandra Lysenko
  • Olha Kaminska



speech therapy, correctional and educational work, speech, speech impairment, speech function, dystonia, bradilаlia, tachilalia, stuttering, dyslalia, rhinolarya, dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, dyslexia, dysgraphia


The article is sanctified to the study of feature of organization of speech therapy work with the children of preschool age. The analysis of role of development of broadcasting in general psychical development of child, displays of speech violations in preschool age and their influence is carried out on personality development of child.
In connection with that the correct broadcasting is one of important pre-conditions of further valuable development of child, process of social adaptation, exposure and removal of speech violations it is necessary to conduct on the early stages.
Rejections in development of broadcasting affect forming of all psychical life of child. They hamper intermingling with wider public, quite often prevent to the correct forming of cognitive processes, influence on the emotionally-volitional sphere of child.
The psychological and pedagogical correction of broadcasting for the children of speech therapy groups must include the complex of the events sent to the removal of unfavorable action of different social factors, on the improvement of psychical general of child, on forming for her of interest in language communication and necessary skills of behavior, on organization of correct speech education.
If to educe probability of origin of speech excalation and begin speech therapy work in a sensitive period of forming of broadcasting, it will give an opportunity to use all advantages of this period and, thus, to warn or soften speech violation, in the best case – to remove him, providing valuable development of child. Task of speech therapist and psychologist together with parents to convince a child, that a language can be corrected, it is possible to help a kid to become such, as all.



