Professiogram of a modern teacher of elementary school in the context of introducing the concept of a New Ukrainian school


  • Оlexandra Kuzenko
  • Liudmyla Matsuk



teacher's professiogram, transformation, educational institutions, educational process, elementary school teacher, New Ukrainian School, coach, facilitator, tutor, moderator, competency approach


The article reveals the processes of transformation of the primary school teacher’s professiogram, which are due to the introduction of the concept of the New Ukrainian School – an absolutely new approach to the organization of educational activities of pupils, aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of educational institutions, which should ensure the preparation of future Ukrainian citizens to life in the XXI century, able to withstand diverse challenges of personal and global character.
It is emphasized that an important condition for updating the educational process of the elementary school is the introduction of changes to the professiogram of teachers, from their professional activity depends, first of all, the positive outcome of the implementation of the reform.
In professiogram of primary school teacher it is determined the requirements for his professional activities through educational functions and specification list of professionally important personal qualities required for solving educational problems of elementary level of modern education. The Concept of realization of the state policy of reforming secondary education "New Ukrainian School" declared changes that cause an adjustment to professiogram of modern teacher since elementary school reform involves updating its functional duties. Accordingly, the teacher is not only a mentor and the only source of knowledge and combins in his professional activity the functions of coach, facilitator, tutor, moderator in the individual educational trajectories of a child.
In the article, attention is drawn to the fact that the modernization of the elementary school teacher’s professiogram is in direct connection with the introduction into the educational system the Concept of the new Ukrainian school. The newest functional duties of a teacher predetermine the urgency of the formation of individual-personality and professional-activity qualities of the person necessary for the solution of professional tasks in the new Ukrainian school (NUS), the key components of which are the competence approach to the definition of new content, as well as the motivation of the teacher and the conditions for his professional growth. The practical implementation of radical changes in the initial stage of education is determined by the need to introduce the innovative changes in the training of pedagogical workers. However, it has to be noted that the system of professional and pedagogical training remains largely based on traditional principles. This in turn leads to the professional orientation of students to the school of the last century, the leveling of modern innovations in professional activities. Modern standards in the formation of teachers’ professiogram should determine the trajectory of organizing the process of professional training of the future elementary school teacher in accordance with the actual requirements of the practice of a modern elementary school.



