Formation of professional values of future pedagogues in extracurricular activities of higher educational establishments


  • Elena Gomonyuk



formation, professional values, future pedagogues, extracurricular activities, higher educational establishments


One of the main requirements of modern higher education is the combination of the educational process with the non-auditing work of students. After all, extra-curricular work as an integral part of personal growth of the future teacher helps to improve his professional pedagogical culture, the development of professionally important qualities of values, personal development and the development of his own pedagogical position.
Non-audit activity is aimed at educating a free person. This activity is based on the laws of creativity, which involve the involvement of students in real co-creation, intellectual dialogue, the harmonization of communication, success, the opportunity to feel free. It promotes the development of independent thinking, the development of techniques for co-creation and intellectual stress. It is characterized by a flexible and harmonious combination of individual, group and collective activity, at the same time self-directed and pedagogically oriented.
The very nature of the phenomena of “professional values”, “personal meaning” determines the impossibility of direct borrowing or accession to the value-semantic installations of other subjects or adopted in professional circles, society. The specificity of the process of assimilating value, namely that values and content are not transmitted in the same way as knowledge, skills, and skills, determines the necessity of searching for non-traditional educational technologies aimed at assimilating specific value knowledge that promotes the formation of a personal “value picture of the world” And pedagogical reality, in particular active reconstruction, analysis and phased correction of the content of the values of professional activity of the future teacher towards adopting their humanistic content. Therefore, the professional values of the teacher should be combined with universal and national values.
Among the types of non-auditing work that contribute to the formation of professional values of future teachers, we can distinguish the following: research work carried out within the student's scientific community; educational work - carrying out of measures aimed at realization of educational tasks; volunteer work - participation in the organization of community events (educational, environmental, charitable, cultural and entertainment, artistic, etc.).
The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of professional values of future teachers in non-auditing work of institutions of higher education.




