Education of benevolence of preschool age children as a pedagogical problem


  • Leonida Pisotska



pre-schoolers, moral education, moral norms, benevolence, benevolent relationships


The article reveals the relevance of teaching benevolence of pre-school children, due to the necessity of humanizing the inner world of the personality, increasing the spiritual potential of each, the approval of the ideals of goodness, honour, mercy, upbringing, starting from pre-school age, readiness of each personality to constructively interact with the surrounding world. It is proved that each person is a social one, who is constantly in relationship with others, which requires the establishment of friendly relations in each collective, observance of ethical norms and moral principles developed by the humanity. The sphere of moral regulation, is the whole set of relations of personality and society, and the life of any personality is inseparable from the moral requirements of the society. The content of the article indicates that the problem of education of moral qualities, humane values of pre-school children was and is now at the center of attention of scholars. The attention is drawn to the fact that the classics of pedagogical science A.Makarenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushynskyi made a significant contribution to the development of this issue. The general foundations of moral education, including preschoolers, personally oriented approach to education are found in the writings of I. Bekh, A. Bohush, H. Bielienka, G. Va¬sianovych, N. Havrysh, V.Plakhtii, O.Reipolska, O.Savchenko , O. Sukhomlynska and others. The regularities of the basic moral features of the personality of pre-school children are revealed in the publications of V. Kuzmenko, S. Ladyvir, N. Lysenko and others. Valuable attitude to coevals, upbringing of humanity are reflected in the scientific works of T. Naumenko, Yu. Prykhodko, T. Repina. N. Havrysh, O. Domaniuk, O. Poliakova and others study the issues of development and education of benevolence.
On the basis of theoretical analysis of psychological-pedagogical researches of the formation of moral qualities of the personality of pre-school children, the essence of the definition of “benevolence” has been defined in the article, the education of benevolence of pre-school children as a modern pedagogical problem has been defined.
The attention is focused on different approaches in pedagogical science to the notion of “benevolence”. It is proved that any conceptions for pre-school children about the obligatory observance of moral norms, ideals, normative doctrines remain for them only beautiful words and concepts, if they are not provided with effective mechanisms of their influence on the personality and practical exercises in their behaviour. Some types of work with children of pre-school age as for teaching them benevolence have been revealed.



