Forming of the pedagogical masternity of primary education specialists in processes of master training


  • Nataliia Matveieva



pedagogical skill, pedagogical abilities, professional ethics, pedagogical culture, professionalism, self-perfection, self-realization


The article raised the issue features forming constituents’ pedagogical skills of primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School; the basic requirements, criteria and indicators of formation levels are defined; the existing gaps in working with future specialists at the present stage are highlighted.
The author reveals the essence of the concept of “pedagogical skill” of the teacher, while listing its various functions and constituents, on which other scientists have paid special attention. The article emphasizes that pedagogical skill is an important condition for the professional activity of the teacher, an integral part of his professionalism and pedagogical culture. Without her, no teacher can efficiently and effectively educate, educate and develop students, and to achieve the goals put forward by her and her pupils.
The author defines the main normative documents on education, which emphasize the need to revise approaches to professional training in education. A special place is given to the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, which attaches great importance to the formation of not only a student of the new millennium, but also a teacher and the very first institution. Thus, according to the conceptual provisions, the last teacher must be creative personality, ready for change, with high intelligence and morally stable, creative. This suggests the urgency of the problem of raising and developing the level of pedagogical mastery of the teacher, which should begin in the process of studying at a higher school.
In the article special attention is paid to the realities of the present, the existing level of formation of the pedagogical skill of future specialists. The author conducts an experimental study, including masters to the forms and types of work, observing, questioning, and so on. Thus, the author highlights the gaps and omissions in the formation of pedagogical skills, defines the main reasons for this, outlines ways to overcome them and the main techniques and methods for improving the efficiency of the development process of masters’ pedagogical skills.
The given comparative analysis allows to define the basic constituents of pedagogical skill of future teachers which have already formed during the studies in high school. However, the author notes that this issue is particularly relevant and requires further study in order to provide the educational sector with a high professional level.



