Professional training of preschoolteachers to work in an inclusive environment


  • Nataliia Kyrsta



professional training, correctional-pedagogical activity, components of readiness, violations of psychophysical development


The article deals with a problem of peculiarities of the training of future preschool teachers for work in inclusive educational space. The author has analyzed the structure of readiness of students for correctional and pedagogical activity. This structure consists of several parts, such as: motivational-value, cognitive, operational-practical, emotional-volitional, reflexive. Besides, it was determined several reasons, which caused difficulties in the process of organization inclusive education in educational institutions: peculiarities of the structure and educational content in inclusive groups; the nature of the learning of children with special educational needs, the difficulties in establishing contacts with the child; slowness of reaction in decision making on behavioral disorder; search for non-standard solutions; little skills of development work in correctional direction. It was defined content of psychological, pedagogical and special training of future preschool teachers that’s why students have the opportunity to comprehensively study children with special educational needs and to get to work with them the necessary technologies and techniques of correctional and developmental training.
It was concluded an educational program for students of the specialty 012 “Preschool education” for educational degrees “Bachelor-Master”. Besides it was provided a targeted list of psychological and pedagogical and special disciplines for each educational level.
As a result of the study, graduates are competent in the following areas: state policy on education of children with special educational needs; the basic concepts of correctional pedagogy and special psychology; features and regularities of development of various categories of persons with psychophysical disorders; different and individual methods of preschool correctional education and upbringing of each category of children; content and methods of working with the childrens’ families.



