The principle of continuity in modernization of primary education: the New Ukrainian School


  • Nelly Lysenko



continuity principle, New Ukrainian school, education, upbringing, preschooler, primary schoolchild, institution of preschool education, primary school, modernization, socialization


Continuity is considered as a regularity of psychophysical development; as a condition of continuous education; as a principle of education and upbringing. Admission to a school requires competency in various spheres of vital activity of the child, the availability of basic qualities that will ensure its painless entry into various social groups and processes of personal self-realization. Accordingly, the main purpose of preschool education is in comprehensive overall development in line with potential opportunities and is prolonged for comprehensive general development as the main goal of education already in elementary school. The child’s admission to school completes her preschool childhood. On the verge of preschool and junior school age there is a psychological neoplasm – the "internal position of the student": the synthesis of two needs: cognitive (the desire to learn, to acquire new knowledge and skills) and social (to take a new place in society, to enter the world of adults). Continuity as a complex pedagogical problem should be considered in the dimensions of a single content line to ensure the effectiveness of the child’s development in: – at the level of preschool education – the preservation of the value of preschool age; assistance to the cognitive and personal development of preschool children; forming of readiness for interaction with the surrounding world; development of the game as a leading activity; – at the elementary school level – taking into account achievements of preschool childhood; differentiated approach to intensive development; provision of a leading type of educational activity and neoplasm of junior school age. Today, the institution of preschool education ceases to be a "school for the young" and turns into "the institution of at school" and "psychological readiness for school"; "readiness for school" and "life competence". Effective forms of ensuring continuity are meetings, seminars, conferences, pedagogical councils for the exchange of work experience; mutual visit of teachers and administration of educational institutions, with discussion and exchange of experience; organization of joint events; the compilation of the social-psychological characteristics of each child in the institutions of preschool education, is passed to the teachers of the primary schools.socialization", which actualizes the following concepts: "readiness to st udy



