Multicultural upbringing of personality based on works by M. H. Stelmakhovych


  • Tetiana Atroshchenko,



folk pedagogy, personality, multicultural upbringing, multicultural education, multicultural space


The primary task of the modern educational system is to educate a citizen capable of the revival, preservation and enhancement of the Motherland’s well-being, traditions and values of domestic culture, tolerant interaction with the various cultural manifestations represented in the modern world at the level of the nation, ethnos, confessions, races, sexual, social and other differences Time demands dictate the necessity of developing new scientific approaches to education of young people in the conditions of a multicultural space, the development of the culture of interethnic communication, the formation of interethnic tolerance, and so on.
The purpose of the article – the problem of polycultural upbringing of the person is solved taking into account the fundamental ideas of the scientific heritage of M. Stelmakhovych. The concept of “multicultural education” is described. The scientific view of M.Stelmakhovych concerning the education of the personality, interethnic relations, leading role of the family in the formation of a highly moral tolerant citizen, able to appreciate the cultural heritage of both his own and other peoples, is analyzed.
The concept of ethnization through the concept of M. Stelmakhovich, in which the scientist embeds the concept of socialization of the person on the basis of family, economic, spiritual and cultural life and historical experience of his people, the nation, is discovered.
In this context, the most important component of general education is the cultural compo-nent in the system of education of the personality, because culture, in particular, national culture is one of the foundations of the content of education, and the attraction to the spiritual values accumulated over the centuries plays an extraordinary role in the formation of the modern personality.



