



subject-methodical competence, physical culture, educational competences, future teacher of physical culture, institutions of higher education, institutions of general secondary education


Goal: to analyze the directions of development and improvement of subject-methodical competence of
future physical education teachers. Research methods: analysis, generalization, systematization of scientific research
data and literary sources. The results. The article establishes the theoretical and methodological foundations
of improving the methodological competence of future teachers of physical education. The issue of
modernization of the national system of higher pedagogical education was discussed, the issue of the
development of a teacher training course for a new Ukrainian school based on the competence approach was
updated. Concepts that are important for our research have been identified, which theoretically substantiate the
issue of the development of methodological competence of future teachers of physical culture and the pedagogical
potential of influencing its formation. The essence and structure of the concept of “subject-methodical
competence of the future physical culture teacher” as a generalized goal and result of his professional
competence, characterized by the integration of theoretical knowledge into the specialty, are considered.
Conclusions. The subject-methodical skills of future physical culture teachers are an integral part of physical
culture and health activities and express their professional training at the theoretical and practical levels.


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