



interactive methods, future specialists, professionally important qualities, students, physical culture and sports.


Modern realities of high school are characterized by active searches for new forms, technologies and
means of learning. One of the progressive options for solving existing problems is the introduction of interactive
teaching methods in the process of training future teachers. Many authors have paid attention to interactive
technologies in various disciplines, but the issue has not been sufficiently studied in the training of physical
culture specialists. The formation of creative thinking in future specialists is important. The purpose of the article
is to substantiate the importance and necessity of using interactive learning methods in the process of training
future specialists in the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports”. Results. Urgent needs for the skills of system
thinking, programming, interdisciplinary communication, the ability to work in conditions of uncertainty and
multi-functionality have been identified. The improvement of the process of training of pedagogical specialists is
seen in the application of personally oriented, interactive, projective training, professionally oriented, and
technologies of dialog form of interaction. To increase students’ motivation, they are offered tasks in subgroups
with the distribution of functions, development of programs for the development of physical qualities. For this
purpose, we have developed an algorithm for building programs for the development of physical qualities. The
topic of theoretical and methodological training has been developed (on the example of Theory & Methods of
athletics). Implementation of educational and methodical cards for training students in physical exercise
techniques will contribute to increasing the theoretical and methodological preparation of students from the
section “Methodology of teaching physical exercise techniques”. Conclusion. The program of using interactive
learning methods is aimed at increasing the activity and interaction of participants in the pedagogical process.
For this purpose, the stages of solving this task have been created. Completing such tasks will contribute to better
assimilation of the material, increase the level of understanding of the subject and ensure the correct application
of the acquired knowledge in the future profession.


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