



foot, taekwon-do, student-athletes, plantography


The purpose of the work is to reveal the dependence of linear-angular parameters of different foot shapes with electroneuromyographic indicators in students of 19-20 years of age who are engaged in taekwondo. Methods: foot morphometry was performed in 67 students using the plantographic method at rest and during dynamic loading. The general index of the Friedland foot was determined, the height of the longitudinal arch was determined by the Strieter formula, and the state of the transverse arch was determined by the value of the Chizhin index, and the shape of the foot was determined by the length of the toes. The study was carried out at the Taekwon-Do Center. The main group consisted of 32 athletes with flat feet of the first degree of severity. The control group consisted of 35 practically healthy athletes. Global EMG was recorded at the Neuro-EMG-Micro complex. The results. The data on the size of the foot of athletes of the control group testify to the sufficient development of the arch of the foot, which has powerful morpho-functional reserves and which can serve as control data for further analysis of the arch apparatus of the foot in relation to electroneuromyographic indicators. Deterioration of the condition of the supporting and damping properties of the foot with flat feet, which is found in 28.9% of taekwondo athletes, was expressed in a probable deterioration of the Friedland index by 14.1% and the value of the "plantar angle of the foot" by 14.7%. Studies of the contractile ability of the lower leg muscles showed that with flat feet, the average value of the muscle tone index in the "state of isotonic tension" decreases by 17.0%, the coefficient of "muscle contractile ability" increased by 79.4%; the coefficient of "additional relaxation" probably decreased by 24.4%. Conclusions. plantographic indicators are consistent with neuromyographic data, which allows developing programs for the prevention of foot injuries in Tae Kwon Do.


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