



professionally oriented psychophysical training, professiogram, significant sychophysical qualities, investigators of the National Police.


Aim. To analyze the professiogram of the profession of the investigator of the NP, to determine the hierarchy of professionally significant psychophysiological qualities of the investigator, necessary for successful professional activity. Methods. Analysis, generalization, systematization of scientific research data and literary sources. Results. The work of investigators is dominated by long-term mental activity, which is debilitating for the body, leads to fatigue and overwork. The main factors that cause fatigue in the activities of the investigator include: monotony during work; continued continuous work with documents; long stay in a state of emotional and physical tension; increased significance of erroneous actions; difficulties of communication in the process of performing official activities; physiological discomfort due to non-compliance of working conditions with sanitary and hygienic standards [9, 10]. The profession of an investigator puts forward high demands on psychomotor properties; development of the sensory-perceptual sphere of specialists: they need high accuracy and sensitivity of analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile); good orientation regarding space-time characteristics. Important for investigators is the development of special abilities that determine the effectiveness of their use of police coercion measures (physical impact, special means, firearms). However, these abilities are not a priority in professional activities. Conclusion. The profession of an NP investigator has its own psychophysical specificity. Successful mastery of the profession of an investigator and the effectiveness of further activities will depend on the degree of formation: mental performance; communicative ability; Motivation; operational and long-term memory; Attention; development of special professional abilities; emotional stability; accuracy and sensitivity of analyzers (visual, auditory, tactile); the speed of the spatial response to stimuli and the reaction of choice; reaction speed to danger;static, general, strength endurance; Agility; coordination abilities; Flexibility.


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