



Physiological status, students, physical development, respiratory system, cardiovascular system.


The purpose of the work is to study the physiological status of students aged 17-22. Research methods. Blood pressure was determined by the Korotkov method, heart rate by the palpation method; calculation of systolic and minute blood volume (SBV and MBV), physical development (PD) according to the appropriate formulas; determination of VC - by the spirometric method; height measurement - with a height meter; determination of body weight - on a medical scale. The results. The age-specific features of PD depending on the functional indicators of the body of students of the 1st-5th year are shown. It was established that among the girls of the 5th year, 11% are hypertensive and 11% are hypotensive. Conclusions. 1. Hemodynamic and PD indicators in 70% of students are within the physiological norm, with slight variations of individual indicators. 2. students of 2-3 years have a tendency to increase blood pressure, which is closely correlated with changes in heart rate; 2. Only some students had a disharmonious PD with an excess of body weight, a deficit of body weight was less common. With age, a gradual increase in all PD parameters was observed.


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