



лижні походи, польські легіони, Східні Карпати., ski trips, Polish legions, Eastern Carpathians.


Aim. To reveal the components of the organization and conduct of winter ski trips in the Carpathians in 1934-1939, dedicated to the activities of the second brigade of the East Polish Legion. Methods. The source base of the study were: the National Digital Archive of Poland; archive of the Military Geographical Institute of Poland, as well as archival materials of the cities of Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk. Results. In order to start the Carpathian ski trips to the battlefields and burials of Polish legionnaires, on December 16, 1933, the Society of Friends of the Hutsul Region held a constituent meeting chaired by General Tadeusz Kaspszycki, then Deputy Minister of War in the Government of the Second Polish Republic. the first sports and military event, which provided for skiing a distance of 83 km with three stages (the first - 21 km from the village of Berezov (Tyachiv district, Transcarpathian region) to the Pantyr Pass, the second - 32 km from Rafailov since 1946 the village of Bystritsa, Nadvirna district, Ivano-Frankivsk region) through Dowzhynets and Sumerian valley to the Tatar pass, the third - 30 km from the Elbe tract to Vorokhta) with shooting at the final section of the distance. In the following years (1935-1939), four more ski trips were conducted in the Eastern Carpathians with the participation of both Polish military and police teams, as well as the local population (Hutsuls). The difference in altitude on the route reached more than 600 m. food or opportunities to sell their crafts). The events that accompanied these hikes included, among others, the Montenegrin Ski Cup of the Polish Tourist Association with the participation of foreign teams (Czechoslovakia, Romania). The important role of these sports and military events in 1934–1939 is evidenced by the presence of numerous participants (over 160 people) and important personalities, including voivodes and generals, leaders of the Society of Friends of the Hutsul Region, the Polish Ski Association and the Polish Tourist Association. Conclusion. Thus, for the period 1934-1939. There were many ski trips under the special patronage of the Polish Army and with the participation of the Polish Ski Association, the Polish Tatra Society, the Society of Friends of Hutsul, the State Department of Physical and Military Training, as well as paramilitary organizations "Rifle Union", gymnastic society "Falcon".


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