
  • I. Samokhvalova Sumy National Agrarian University


muscular endurance, students of a special medical group, circle workout


The article analyzes dynamics changes in indicators of power endurance female students, which, by their
health, are classified in a special medical group during physical education classes. The pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of Sumy National Agrarian University. In the test was attended by 15 first-yearstudents who, by their health, are referred to a special medical group. To determine the level of development of mu scular endurance students used the following tests: lifting the body from a lying position; bending arms in the emphasis on knees for 30 sec.; keeping position sitting near the wall.
The development of muscular endurance was carried out by the method of circular workout with
application of developed complexes of power exercises which provided for their implementation in dynamic and static regimes using own weight, with elastic rubber belts, partner’s resistance, using simulators. Each time students performed 10-15, and in some exercises 40 repetitions. The size of the resistance, or the encumbrance, was 20-60% of the maximum for each student in particular. For performance of exercises in one approach were allocated 15 – 80 sec. The interval between the execution of the next exercise was in the first circle one minute and in the second one – 2 minutes. After and before each exercise, the students measured heart rate. It was allowed to increase the heart rate after performing the load up to 160 beats / min., and before the exercise – 120 beats / min.. Duration of the pedagogical experiment was four months with the frequency of classes twice a week. The duration of each training is 90 minutes.
A comparative analysis of the test results before and after the pedagogical experiment showed probable
changes in muscular endurance of all studied muscle groups. So, the dynamic muscular endurance of skeletal muscle of the abdomen increased by 40, 84%, shoulder girdle – 29.68%, and muscles of the lower extremities – by 19.99%. Absolute values indicate the average level of student achievements. Installed that the use of force exercises in the process of physical education of female students in special medical group , which provided for their implementation in dynamic and static modes using their own weight, elastic rubber tapes, partner resistance, permanent and variable weight training simulators of 20-60% of the maximum, provides for possible changes in muscular endurance.
Key words: muscular endurance, students of a special medical group, circle workout.


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