Peculiarities of the organization of linguistic and literary education of younger pupils in the conditions of New Ukrainian School


  • Larysa Krul
  • Stepan Nedilskyi



State standard of primary education, linguistic and literary education, communicative competence, activity approach, New Ukrainian School, author’s educational programs, content lines of the subject “Ukrainian language”


The article describes the peculiarities of the organization of linguistic and literary education of younger students in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School. The author used the normative documents, typical educational programs, methodical recommendations, author’s educational programs, textbooks and manuals.
The author has substantiated that the linguistic and literary education sector focuses on the study of mother tongue and, at the same time, foreign language for the formation of foreign language communication skills. Thus, it was expanded the field of communication, the potentials and needs of the individual in intercultural communication are foreseen.
The formed communicative and reading competence of the child becomes the purpose of studying the Ukrainian language and literature.
The implementation of the linguistic and literary education sector has been implemented in textbooks that have been offered for more than ten, but for the most part they do not meet all the requirements of the New Ukrainian School.
The purpose of the research is to substantiate the peculiarities of the organization of lin-guistic and literary education of younger students in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School
It has been proved that the linguistic and literary education branch is aimed at the comprehensive development of the child and the formation of one of the most important competences – communicative. Being able to speak is an important feature of a person, regardless of their profession. Mastery of the word enables interaction in society, sharing of own thoughts and impressions between people, ability to defend one’s own beliefs, avoid misunderstandings, etc.
Generally speaking, the peculiarity of the organization of linguistic and literary education of younger students is the ability of the teacher who chooses which program to teach students, and therefore determines the priorities of learning: traditional or integrated, habitual or innovative, aimed at forming knowledge or focused on the formation of skills, practical and therefore the implementation of a business approach.



