Personal-reflexive component of future social workers’ social competence: characteristic of formation


  • Iryna Sydoruk



competence, social competence, self-reflective component, future social workers


The problem of forming the social competence of the individual in today’s rapidly changing and globalized world is quite urgent. The personality faces new challenges that it must overcome, new challenges that it must solve, find its way to life realization. If this problem also applies to a person who, in the future in his professional activity, helps to solve various problems of other people, it only increases the relevance of the problem.
The article describes the characteristics of the personality-reflective component of social competence of future social workers’. The author presented the criteria, indicators of competence formation. Diagnostic tools for determining the level of development of the studied component are disclosed. It is established that the personality-reflexive component of social competence of future social workers involves regulation of the process and result of realization of competence (presence of socially significant personality traits), developed ability to reflect their own social activity and activities of others. The criteria of personal structure are the degree of development of socially significant personality traits (mental, individual properties of a specialist, which determine the social competence of future social workers, internal needs) and abilities. The criteria for reflective substructure are completeness, the degree of development of the ability to reflect their own social activity and the activities of others. The results of the ascertaining experiment on determining the level of formation of the personality-reflexive component of social competence of future social workers are presented. The analysis of the experimental data revealed mainly the medium and low levels of formation of the studied component in the vast majority of students. This needs special attention in the implementation of the program of the formative stage of experimental work.



