Preparation of future teachers for realization the tasks of moral education of pupils' youth


  • Mariana Marusуnets



moral education, ethical education, educational environment, high school students, future teacher, training specialists in pedagogical universities


The article addresses the problems of upbringing of the modern student youth, points out the risks caused by social and educational changes that are taking place in the society. Their solution depends on the willingness of the modern teacher to carry out this process in a school environment. To do this, a graduate of a pedagogical college must have not only knowledge of techniques, but also educational technologies that will promote the development of moral and ethical behaviors in students; purposefully influence the formation of their consciousness, but also the ability to act on the moral standards defined by society at the micro – macro – meso levels. However, modern teachers are incomplete in their readiness for this type of work because of a series of contradictions caused by the educational needs for which they are intended and the challenges of the times. The school, today’s student, is waiting for a teacher who must be a free, spiritual person, capable of independent moral decisions and actions; have strong moral principles and beliefs; competent in matters of morality and moral values, to profess them; acts and actions to form standards of morality and etiquette. The moral professional outlook, based on humanistic values and ethical and philosophical laws of society, its traditions, and national consciousness, should become a mandatory professional quality of the future teacher. The main means are the creation of a learning environment – conducting lectures and seminars with elements of innovative technologies in the study of disciplines of special and professional cycles in the process of professional training in pedagogical universities



