Preparation of masters – future educators of preschool educational institutions: ways to improve


  • Nellі Lysenko



concept, levels of professional training, paradigm, methodology, approaches to professional training, business game, theoretical training


The article deals with the modern approaches to the organization of the process of preparation of future educators for preschool educational institutions (PEI) during the study of educational professional disciplines. Among the obligatory professional disciplines is "Preschool pedagogics", which is studied continuously from the first (second semester) – up to the third (sixth semester) courses in full-time and distance learning. Its teaching is based on a number of theoretical and methodological approaches (axiological, systemic, activity, competence, interdisciplinary, etc.) that function individually in the educational process (HEI) of higher education institutions. The professional discipline is intended to prepare students for practical work with children in the line of axio-humanistic pedagogics. The concept of professional training "learning through the task" is naked considered in the article and it is characterized its three important orientations: humanistic (enrichment of individual and personal potential; mastering the ways of creative expression and self-realization), functional, technological.
The importance of complex influence on all spheres of personality, which is forming in preschool age is updated. To this end, examples of implementation of intra- and interdisciplinary approaches in practical classes with students are given. For this the scenario of a business game on the topic: "Interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family in the upbringing of children" is described (spelled out goals, didactic tasks, functional responsibilities of the participants of the game, etc.), as well as it is proposed problem and practical methods, method of discussion, self-presentation, etc.
Thus, in the context of the concept of "learning through the task" certain behavioral stereotypes, new conditional reflexes, self-esteem, procedural actions, etc. forme and change in students, The article presents an approach that ensures the development of intellectually-cognitive, emotional-sensory and psychomotor spheres in the context of study in modern higher educational institutions of Ukraine.



