The culture of speech as the basis of spelling literacy of future primary school teachers


  • Valentyna Vitіuk



modernization of the content of education, integration of national education, vocational training of future teachers, New Ukrainian school, primary school, linguodidactics of higher education, spelling competence, graphic, spelling, punctuation competences


The author of the article emphasizes the importance of quality training of future primary school teachers in the context of the modernization of the content of education in Ukraine. The article affirms the idea that the professional training of teachers is the current task of higher educational institutions. The stated position of the author is confirmed by the current educational and regulatory documents. The article draws attention to the training of future teachers in the context of the requirements of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, which states that the New Ukrainian School requires a successful, motivated, creative teacher, will not only knowledge, and teach them to acquire, independently learn with interest and pleasure. Scientific intelligence highlights the views of leading scholars exploring the issue of teacher training. Justifying the need to improve the system of training future primary school teachers, the author proposes to apply innovative teaching and teaching technologies, in particular, in the process of studying philological disciplines. In particular, the author of the article defines spelling competence as a component of professional competence of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions and believes that one of the priority tasks of philology teachers of higher educational institutions is to train specialists who are well versed and written, have a high level of graphic skills and skills, spelling and punctuation literacy and competency spelling in general.



