The essential characteristic of the structural and functional model of the forming of future teacher’s personality value and sense sphere


  • Tetiana Antonenko



value and sense sphere, methodological approaches, mechanisms of the forma¬tion of the value and sense sphere of the personality, interiorization, identification, internalization, reflection, autopoiesis, emotional inclusion, dialogic communication


The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the value and sense sphere of the future specialists. The structural and functional model and the program of the formation of the value and sense sphere of the personality are considered. The ontological context of the study of the value and sense dimension of a person, and the use of the scientific principles of the methodology of social constructivism led to the consideration of the personality as a subject and a creator in the process of one’s own life. This allowed the author to choosesystems, activity, subjects, synergy, and phenomenological and hermeneutical approaches, which are considered as complementary, as the leading methodological approaches to the development of the model of the value and sense sphere of the personality. The presented model of the value and sense sphere of the personality includes conceptual, substantive and technological, criterion and effective blocks and is based on a number of relevant principles. An important component of the substantive and technological block of the model is the program for the formation of the value and sense sphere of the future specialists’ personality, which provides for relevant content and implementation thanks to certain technologies, forms and methods of work. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the program of formation of the value and sense sphere of the personality are defined. The content of the program focuses on purposeful work on updating the social and role positions of the future educators in order to increase their connections with indicators of the deep spiritual and moral values; actualization of the values of the professional image of the world.



