Modern approaches to the forming of lecturer's communicative culture


  • Nina Zvierieva



communication, culture, competence, approach, system


The article deals with the communicative culture of the teacher as a component of his professional competence. The approaches to the definition of “communicative culture” and their main indicators are analyzed. The modern approaches to the formation of this complex phe-nomenon are revealed. In the course of the study it was found that the communicative culture of the teacher is considered as a complex personal formation, the synthesis of interrelated perso¬nality traits (namely: knowledge, skills, ways of organizing communicative activities), which are necessary for high-quality and effective communication with students and the development of effective educational and pedagogical situations, the creation of a unified qualitatively new language and educational environment. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature proves that researchers from various fields of science (teachers, psychologists, linguists) share the view that the communicative culture of a teacher based on linguistic culture determines the potential of the whole system of education, and also affects on the development of the student’s personality. The content of the professional activity of the modern teacher puts forward a number of specific requirements that make them develop certain personal qualities as professionally significant, necessary and compulsory. It is proved that today the problem of mastering a free, truly cultural word is especially relevant and important for those who use it as the main tool of their profession, especially for teachers whose language is not only the main tool of professional activity, but also a model that is consciously or unconsciously assimilated, perceived and distributed. Pedagogical communication synchronously implements communicative, perceptual and interactive functions, using at the same time the whole set of verbal, visual, symbolic and kinetic means. At the present stage, the most effective approaches to the formation of a communicative culture have been determined competence and synergy.



