Forming of key competences of future specialists in the field of socionomy in higher educational institutions


  • Olena Gomonyuk



formation, key competencies, future specialists, socionomy field, higher educational institutions


The problem of mutual understanding, interaction and cooperation is of great importance in today’s socio-cultural conditions, when society is experiencing a period of instability and social conflicts in many spheres of our life, especially in the socio-economic one, where relations are built according to the “man-man" scheme. The key competencies of future specialists in socionomy field play the leading role in the above mentioned special system of relations.
Key competencies are knowledge of the most effective ways to achieve a goal; the abilities to make independent decisions and defend own views, adhere to requirements, understand own feelings; adequate understanding of desires, expectations and requirements of other people; respect for human rights and responsibilities, comprehension of the duty, life goals, and organization of life track.
In higher education institutions of future specialists in socionomy field key competencies formation involves the development of general cultural, communicative, field, informative, communicative, and social competencies.
The common feature of general cultural competence for all types of professional activities is the culture of communication, readiness for dialogue in the multicultural communicative environment.
Well-developed communicative skills and communicative competence help a modern psychologist to be identified as an educated, intelligent person and contribute to his/her career and personal development.
The informative competence of future specialists in socionomy field implies the ability to navigate in the information flaw, receive information and operate it in accordance with their own needs and requirements of modern high-tech society.
Psychological and pedagogical competence can be presented as coordination of knowledge and practical abilities with the real behavior that is demonstrated by the future specialists in the field of socionomy in the process of their professional activity
The social competence of future specialists in socionomy field can be defined as a complex, multifaceted personality characteristic that contains a system of abilities, personality traits, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, the combination of which ensures the formation of readiness for effective interaction, the ability to analyze, assess risks, make decisions in situations of uncertainty, taking into account own and other people’s interests, goals and needs, which do not contradict the norms and values of society. After all, it is social competence that helps to preserve personal uniqueness, taking into account social norms, rights and views of other people.



