Forming of professional competence of future teachers-speech therapists in professional training process


  • Оlexandra Kuzenko



professional training, professional competence, student-centered approach, teachers-speech therapists


The article is devoted to the analysis of topical problems of forming professional competence of future teachers-speech therapists in the process of professional training. Professional training of future teachers-speech therapists is considered as a purposeful controlled process, which ensures the forming of professional competence and personally significant qualities necessary for the implementation of speech therapist activity. Thanks to each structural element of the professional training of future speech therapists for vocational and pedagogical activities, an important place among which belongs to the motivative-target, content, operational and performance-assessment components happens providing of pedagogical conditions for the forming of their professional competence.
It is emphasized that the current problem of modern higher education of specialists in the field of professional training of teachers-speech therapists is the need to rethink the approach to educational activities of students, the rejection of the morally outdated didactic model and the transition to the position of a humanistic educational paradigm with a student-centered approach. This necessitates the creation of pedagogical conditions for receiving the education, based on the best achievements of national education and European traditions, the forming of students’ personal qualities, general cultural and professional competences in accordance with the requirements of the direction of training “Corrective education" and the specialization “Speech therapy: early diagnostics and correction".
The purpose of the educational process of institutions of higher education in the article is determined the training of qualified graduates who: have the latest technology capable of carrying out vocational and preventive activities with children of early age, provide differentiated assistance to preschool children for the development, education and upbringing of speech, to increase their potential, on democratic and humanistic principles to implement educational policy as a priority function of the state, which is aimed at the development and self-realization of the personality, satisfaction of its educational and spiritual and cultural needs on the basis of institutions of education, social sphere and health care, as well as being competitive on the labor market.



