Peculiarities of training of future preschool teachers for professional self-development


  • Yevdokiia Kharkova
  • Nataliia Pavlushchenko



self development, professional self-development, readiness for self-development, continuous professional self-development, self-study, self-education, professional environment, self-actualization


The urgency of the study is conditioned by profound transformations that take place in all areas of our society. Therefore, an important component of the educational process at pedagogical higher education institutions should be appropriate training of future preschool teachers, formation of their readiness for continuous professional self-development. It is necessary for the modern preschool teacher to be able in theory and in practice to analyze his professional abilities and to form on this basis a program of his own further professional growth at any stage of professional activity. In connection with this, there is a need to organize such a system of professional training of future preschool teachers, which would ensure a deliberate process of forming their readiness for professional self-development, which implies the ability to improve continuously their personal and professional qualities and manifests itself in the desire and ability to increase constantly the level of professional skills.
Modern higher pedagogical education ensures the process of self-development of future preschool teachers, shapes their readiness for professional self-development, as the social orders of modern Ukrainian society require a personality of a competitive preschool teacher focused on professional self-development and self-improvement.
On the basis of analysis of theoretical sources on the research problem, professional self-development is interpreted as the conscious activity of a person, aimed at complete self-realization of himself as a personality in the social sphere defined by his profession. Professional self-development of the future preschool teacher is a permanent dynamic process aimed at self-organization of progressive changes in the sphere of the inner world of the student’s personality in order to achieve higher levels of professionalism in pedagogical activity. The process of professional self-development of the personality in philosophy is regarded as a spiritual and practical transformation in order to complete the individual self-improvement. In psychology, the process of self-development of the individual is interpreted as a necessary condition for self-realization of the individual, as an element of psychological reality, aimed at understanding the place and function of self-development in a holistic process of life.
In pedagogical studies self-development of the individual is analyzed taking into account active influence of the social environment, interpreting it as the human desire to enrich his individual qualities through those activities that contribute to his formation or improvement.
Pedagogical studies are aimed at finding opportunities to influence the person’s motivation to self-development, his/her familiarizing with means of self-development. Theoretical-methodological basis of forming the readiness of future preschool teachers for continuous professional self-development are approaches: acmeological; activity; competence; cultural; personal; synergetic; systems. On this basis, the author’s approach to the formation of readiness of future preschool teachers for professional self-development was developed.

