Training of masters to management of innovative activity of the institution of preschool education


  • Kateryna Volynets



management, training of masters, innovative activity, innovative potential


The study disclosed some aspects of the professional training of future masters to the innovative activity of the institution of preschool education. Determined the essence of concept “management of the innovative activity of the institution of preschool education”, as a process of management, as a result of which social-pedagogical system of institution of preschool education goes into a qualitatively new state, which is opened to creativity, innovation and investment. Disclosed that innovative development of educational institution depends on the factors, which determined as the development of innovation potential (personal skills, talents, talents of its employees, etc.), and the ability of the educational environment to promote their creative use and further development. The content, forms and methods of organization of scientific work in higher education institutions and forms of involvement masters to the scientific activity during training, wide introduction into the educational process of the results of scientific and research works. Essence, specificity, significance of innovation and innovation activity of pedagogical collective of the educational institution in market conditions are substantiated. Problems of organization of innovation activity and its implementation in the conditions of an educational institution are determined. Requirements for a modern head of the institution of preschool education and formation of the content of the training of future masters to management of the innovative activity of the institution of preschool education are substantiated. Disclosed, that direction of the educational process on development of managerial qualities envisages the development and distribution of new unique forms, methods and means, technologies. Provided that training of future masters to management of the innovative activity of the institution of preschool education possible provided that the content of the training programs is used the results of domestic and foreign scientific and didactic achievements.



