Theoretical and practical aspects of creative abilities forming of the future teacher of fine arts in the process of pedagogical activity


  • Mykola Pryhodin



creative skills, teacher of fine arts, artistic values, pedagogical: principles, conditions, European integration


The article covers theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of creative skills of the future teacher of fine arts in the process of pedagogical activity. Formation of creative abilities is due to the use of scientific defining pedagogical methods: experimental, deductive, problem, "deconstruction," bionic taking into account the optimal pedagogical principles: mastering creative skill, artistic intuition and fantasy, polyphysical creative interaction, reflection of self-esteem, availability of optimal pedagogical conditions in the context of domestic and European integration, that is, interaction, expansion of the boundaries of cooperation, such as:
national mentality, teaching and methodological support, analysis of the work through synthesis, reflection on the assessment of their own creative skills, the production of artistic and pedagogical values. The specificity of fine arts is due to: mastering the artistic skills of our time, combining with the study of Ukrainian traditions, artistic treasures and a powerful heritage in fine arts, acquaintance with historical sources, researching works of domestic and foreign artists, as well as the independence of the performance of educational tasks, participation in olympiads, creative exhibitions – a pledge of forming their own creative skills.
In our era of humanitarian and technological progress, the student is freed from the cloud of miracles and begins to consider himself as the creator. The topic under study is covered in the aspect of forming a new creative type of teacher as a creative person, enriching his own creative skills, preparing a professional teacher for artistic and pedagogical activity, and, therefore, finding a solution to the problem of forming creative abilities, revealing their multifaceted functions, namely, the phenomenon of " creative skills "in the context of European and world educational integration.
The study of artistic and pedagogical activity gave impetus to the introduction of effective poly-artistic functions of each creative skill, which enriched the content-figurative aspect, various artistic and constructive forms of the image). At the same time, an algorithm for determining each creative skill with their multifaceted artistic and aesthetic functions (color shades, proportional relationships, rhythm, contrasts and nuances, harmonious integrity, emotions, mood, imagery) is developed. Consequently, each creative skill performs several functions, because one function can not be performed neither a composition nor a work, therefore, of course, it is necessary to develop polychaed functions of each creative skill. For experimental and experimental work, we have developed, respectively, the logic of artistic and pedagogical activity of eight creative skills – optimally for the teacher of fine arts (OBM). The teacher's creative skills are realized in artistic and pedagogical activities, also helping students form their creative skills through which artistic values are reproduced. Folk art is recognized in the world as a high educational ideal, which is demonstrated by artistic exhibitions abroad.



