Conceptual approaches to adult education in Ukraine


  • Ildiko Oros



conceptual provisions, adult education, Ukraine, needs of the state, skilled personnel, educational system of adults


Recently, a number of concepts have been published in Ukraine, in which the main tasks and goals of adult education development, principles, forms of education, directions of the concept implementation, anticipated and expected results are determined, the issue of the exchange of experience with different countries on the development of adult education is raised; The factors influencing the development of vocational education in the XXI century, which should meet the needs of the state in skilled personnel and the needs of the person in high-quality professional education, are determined.
In 2002, the concept of postgraduate education was approved by the Board of MES of Ukraine. In order to implement the national strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for the period up to 2021 the concept of the development of continuous pedagogical education was adopted, which defined the basic principles of the development of continuous pedagogical education (continuity, the combination of national educational traditions and best world experience, flexibility of response to social changes and predictability , innovation), the task of its development (improvement of the structure of postgraduate education, the direction of the development of continuous pedagogical education for modernization on all levels of education content, forms, methods and learning technologies as required informational civil multicultural society); quality assurance of education; introduction of European vocational and pedagogical experience in the development of continuous pedagogical education. An important point was the publication of the concept of adult education in Ukraine in 2011, developed by L. Lukyanova. The project of the concept of the development of Ukraine's education for the period 2015-2025 is the creation of favorable conditions for mobility. Significant role in the development of vocational education is played by the Concept of development of vocational (vocational) education in Ukraine. The use of the concept of open learning improves the effectiveness of learning, provides the opportunity to work with a large number of adult learners.
The article clarifies the content of the conceptual provisions for the formation of the educational system of adults in Ukraine and the role played by the concepts in the development of adult education in Ukraine.



