Public and professional activities of western Ukrainian writers-pedagoges of the end of the ХІХ th – 30 years of the XXth century


  • Maria Bahriy



educational activity, public activity, educational process, writers-teachers, national pedagogy, Western Ukraine, patriotism, artists


The article describes the actual educational and public problems and needs of Ukrainian society through the prism of the activities of Western Ukrainian writers and teachers, and analyzes the factors of education of a national conscious personality in the work of Western Ukrainian writers and educators at the end of the 19th and the 30th years of the XXth century. The organizers of the educational movement in Western Ukraine are depicted, contradictions between the traditional, official conception of education and education, and approaches that have taken Western Western pedagogy and European school experience as a model.
Analysis of life and activity, literary works of writers and teachers gives us the opportunity to conclude that education, civic consciousness, patriotism, devotion to the interests of the people are inherent, first of all, by the artists themselves. Analyzing literary works of public and educational activities, we see that they are saturated with various characters, views, actions of people who lived in the first half of the twentieth century in the territories of modern Western Ukraine.
According to the results of the study, the activities of public cultural, educational and pedagogical institutions, founded and headed by prominent representatives of the Western Ukrainian intelligentsia: teachers, writers and educational figures of Western Ukraine, had an important role in the implementation of educational and educational tasks and the formation of pedagogical and educational targets.
It is an indisputable fact that, despite the violent and full of contradictions, the educational process characterized by the influence of the Catholic and Orthodox Church, its development had a positive effect, namely the high degree of development of Ukrainian pedagogy and the diversity of types of schools. In other words, in terms of cultural and educational thought, this period, according to most researchers, is called the era of the Ukrainian Renaissance.
In particular, his sign is the large number of printed publications and books that were used in the educational process as manuals, textbooks for reading. The peculiarity of such books was that they carried out the educational function through authorship, a high culture of writers, and progressive views in Western literature; educational content and its polemical nature; saturation of images with highly moral sentences; the form of text presentation: dialogue, catechetical; publishing of publications on a high artistic level.educational situations,



