Forming of social competence of the individual during the preschool childhood


  • Оlexandra Kuzenko
  • Kateryna Lysenko-Gelembiuk



social competence, preschool childhood, socialization


Updating the content of preschool education in the conditions of democratization and spiritual revival of Ukrainian society actualizes the need to provide favorable conditions for social development and self-improvement of the individual, from preschool age. Socialization of the modern preschooler takes place in the conditions of dynamic social transformations, as a result of which the children have learned the social experience, which positively influences their social competences and the success of social interaction in the following age periods. Therefore, an important scientific problem in modern science has been the study of psychological and pedagogical factors that can ensure the development of a harmonious personality and the development of social competence of the individual during the preschool childhood.
The results of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical researches allow to determine the directions of socialization of a child of preschool age a leading place, among which are: 1) ensuring the adaptation of the child to the social environment, the introduction of the child into the world of human relationships, the forming of openness to society in children; 2) to promote the dynamics and development of self-awareness, which will allow the child to change the self-image and attitude to himself in the process of life, forming a readiness for the perception of social information, education of social behavior skills; 3) forming of life position in the child, assistance in self-realization in society. First and foremost, it concerns the cultivation of a conscious attitude to oneself as a free self and to one's duties, which is determined by relationships with others, the desire to know people, to do good deeds.



