Actual approach in professional training of future teachers to creative artistic and constructive activity with children of preschool age


  • Galyna Boryn



artistic and constructive activity, development, training of future educators, creativity, child, teacher


The article analyzes actual views on the future teachers’ professional training of preschool educational institutions. The basic directions of improvement of training of future students of specialty "Preschool education" in the context of artistic and constructive activity of pupils are singled out. The peculiarities of artistic and constructive activity of preschool children are described and the content and directions of future teachers’ training in the outlined direction based on the activity approach are outlined.
The necessity of forming of future teacher’s creative personality as a significant factor of development of pupils’ creative abilities is substantiated. At the same time, it is emphasized that the positive, interested attitude of the teacher to children’s creativity as a unique phenomenon plays an important role in this process. An educator who believes in the capabilities of his or her pupils, monitors the dynamics of development of their creative abilities, thoughtfully analyzes the products of children’s creativity, can count on success in the direction of artistic and constructive activity of children. The main attention is paid to the fact that future educators should realize when teaching at a higher educational institution that in order to organize children’s creative activity it is necessary to create conditions under which the preschooler’s creative abilities are formed during creative activity, since during the production of a specific product the child poses purpose and achieves concrete results. At the same time she can choose what to make, what materials, what method of manufacture to choose.
The peculiarities of active approach application in the educational process of IHE by modeling forms of artistic and constructive activity are analyzed, discussing problematic issues, involving students in creative artistic and constructive activity during which they prepare to familiarize children with the properties of the material, the structure of products, features and stages of their production.



