Openness of Information Space and Control over the Availability of Information


  • Kostiantyn Zakharenko


individual, information, culture, openness, control, freedom


The work analyzes the problem of providing openness of information as a problem in realizing spiritual freedom of the individual. The author argues that the greatest achievement of the information society is that, due to the creation of a new information and technological environment, information instantly overcomes distances that prove to be nonexistent to it. Owing to global spread of computers, telephony and the internet this information is now available to every individual of any developed country, and, in the long run, it will be true for developing countries as well.

Access to sources of information accelerates economic growth of countries and improves research, and education technologies and ways of innovation are improved, thus radically changing the economy and social structure of society as well as its legal culture, public administration, etc.
Openness of information, however, does not eliminate the problem of controlling dissemination of information. We endeavor to find an optimal strategy of openness and control of the information space, which, in our view, is the realization of the spiritual freedom of society.

