Coping-behavior strategies as a factor in forming psychological readyness of future military officers-psychologists for military service




coping-behavioral strategies, coping tension, psychological readiness, future officers-psychologists, motivational complex, professional activity


The aim of the study is to study the coping strategy of individual behavior as a factor in the formation of psychological readiness of future officers-psychologists for military service. The research was conducted in the context of an integrative approach, according to which the author identifies key criteria: personal (psychological, motivational, cognitive, moral, emotional and volitional), functional (creative, communicative, operational, evaluative) and special (commander, military, synergistic) readiness for military service.
Research methods: theoretical – analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, systematization and generalization of research; empirical – psychodiagnostic testing, qualitative analysis; mathematical methods of interpretation – percentage, correlation analysis.
The results of the empirical study showed that: more than a third of respondents have a low level of psychological readiness for military service, low level of leadership development, low level of risk readiness and external negative motivation. Future officers-psychologists tend to choose the following coping strategies: positive reassessment, problem-solving planning, acceptance of responsibility, search for social support.
The positive influence on the formation of psychological readiness of future psychologists for military service is exerted mainly by such coping strategies as problem-solving planning, self-control (in terms of personal and special components of readiness) and, in part, the search for social support (in terms of functional readiness) , and the tendency of our respondents to use such coping strategies as escape-avoidance and distancing has a negative impact on the formation of psychological readiness of future officers-psychologists for military service.
Negative and positive correlation of indicators of psychological readiness for military activity with the use of constructive and non-constructive coping strategies by future officers-psychologists was revealed.
Conclusions. Thus, the article highlights the problem of coping strategies of behavior as a factor in the formation of psychological readiness of future officers-psychologists for military service, correlated analysis of coping strategies of behavior and level of readiness for military service, coping strategies and leadership skills, risk propensity, features motivation and indicators of personal characteristics.

Author Biography

Oleksandra Hrynchuk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Social




