Practical Evidence Of Some Social Theories And Their Application In The Context Of Legal Regulation


  • Mykola Karchevskyi
  • Olena Karchevska


Social theorem, political imitation, subject-object transformation.


This article is dedicated to the construction a realistic strategy of overcoming the crisis tendencies in Ukraine and the formation of social theories which enable grounded the prognostication determination of directions of national policy in the sphere of fight against criminality.reasonable prediction to determine the direction of national policy in the fight against crime.
According to the author, the key social theorems which allow to describe the current state of affairs is a theorem about the political imitation and simulation theorem of subject-object transformation.
The author of the article note that an imitation in the field of legal regulation is to take legislative decisions that do not meet the balance of the social importance of protected goods and a reasonable amount of social spending needed to make decisions on enforcement level, requiring the implementation of social spending, that do not meet the specific danger of the crime.
The issue of improving the criminal law regulation in the context of reducing political simulation can be divided into two components: 1) use criminal means to counter political simulation; 2) reduction of simulation in legal regulation.
The social theorems are formulated an author give an opportunity it is enough full to describe events which took place during 2014-2015 in our country, to analyze the current state of affairs, offer the reasonable forecast and interpret it for determination of important directions of national policy in the sphere of fight against criminality.


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