Conceptual Principles Of Criminology Politics Of Ukraine


  • Volodymyr Holina


criminology politics, principles


Politics of criminology can be considered original generating ideology in basis of that, firstly, a main idea - safety of the state and all-round prosperity of citizens is stopped up; secondly, development of forms, tasks, maintenance, principles of activity in the field of prevention of criminality; thirdly, use of most reasonable from socio-political positions of present or in accordance with her the renewed theory of prevention of criminality.
Politics of criminology is component part of public internal socio-economic policy, that on the basis of Constitution of Ukraine, legislative and normatively-legal acts, theory of criminology and integrated by her other areas of knowledge determines directive principles and ways that is followed by the state during realization of unrepressive counteraction to criminality and her displays. As the same the politics of criminology comes forward as unity: 1) state Conception of prevention and counteraction to criminality that is expressed in corresponding directive acts; 2) theory of criminology of prevention and counteraction to criminality; 3) the special type of activity of the state, his organs, society, public, criminality sent to effective counteraction as social phenomenon and to the varieties of her displays.


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