Legal analysis of the deportation of ukrainianchildren to russia


  • Yuliia Pashkovska


illegal deportation; deportation of children to Russian federation; genocide; children’s rights; crimes of the russian federation; citizenship; russian-Ukrainian war


The article examines the main legal issues related to the deportation of Ukrainian children to the russian federation, in particular, compliance with procedures and guarantees in the process of resolving such cases, the process of illegal deportation of minors to the temporarily occupied territories or to the territory of the russian federation. The mechanisms of interaction between international and national norms governing the departure of children from the country in which hostilities are taking place and their subsequent return to their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents) are studied, and possible conflicts and shortcomings in these systems are pointed out. Violations of international and national legal acts regulating the actions of countries during hostilities are analyzed.
Attention is also focused on the humanitarian aspects of deportation of children, in particular, on the fact that their physical and psychological well-being should be taken into account during the process of removing children from the territory of Ukraine and during their illegal stay in the territory of the russian federation. Attention is drawn to the possibility of violations of children’s rights and interests in the context of this type of migration. In particular, the child’s identity is violated, he or she is left without contact with legal representatives, and the russian federation fails to agree on the return of illegally deported Ukrainian children to the territory of Ukraine to their legal representatives.
In general, the article aims to highlight and analyze the difficulties that arise in the context of deportation of Ukrainian children to russian federation.




