The Method of Coaching in The Process of Training Future Managers of Preschool Education in Mountainous Areas


  • Leonida Pesotskaya



coaching, mountain areas, reflexive team, preschool educational establishment


The article reveals the question of using of the method of coaching in preparation of the
students to the managerial activity in the sphere of preschool education in mountain areas. The
necessity of preparation under the modern conditions of social-economic development of
mountain areas has been proved. The content of the article generalizes basic contradictions
between the necessity and reality. The definition of the main points of the research has been given.
The attention is accentuated on the basic principles of management and on the notion “coaching”
in the process of management of preschool education in mountain area. Coaching includes
partnership, potential revealing, effectiveness. Methodology of coaching is based on the principle
that the person naturally is sufficiently talented and owns great potential, which isn’t realized
fully. An important condition of this approach is valuable, respectful attitude of the participants of
polylogue to one another. Basic theoretical regulations of the coaching approach have been
determined. In the context of selection of teching technologies on the basis of coaching approach,
the method “reflexive team” has been briefly revealed. It is determined that coaching is a style of
management, transformed culture: if the authoritarian style is substituted into coaching, then the
hierarchy changes from the support of blaming and ridiculing to the objective evaluation, all-hands
activity changes to strategic planning.
Coaching approach will allow optimizing the structure of economic activity of a separate
preschool educational establishment. The attention is accentuated at the fact, that using coaching
with the students at the lessons as a style of management of preschool education, will let future
managers of preschool educational establishments to form the skills of behavior in critical
situations of mountain area, to enrich their activity with the new means of performing, to develop
professional flexibility and mobility, to learn clearly to determine the goals and priorities of activity
of preschool educational establishment.




How to Cite

Pesotskaya, L. 2014. The Method of Coaching in The Process of Training Future Managers of Preschool Education in Mountainous Areas. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 1, 2-3 (Dec. 2014), 193–196. DOI:


