Some Aspects Of Commercial Law Regulation Of Education Services: Features Of Implementation Of EU Legislation


  • Ye.Yu. Savchuk


education services, activities on providing education services, education services provider, commercial law regulation, implementation of EU educational legislation, quality of education services.


The scientific article is devoted to the research of directions to improve commercial law regulation of activities on providing education services in Ukraine. At the same time, the author analyzes international legal documents, compares the current European and Ukrainian commercial law regulation activities on providing education services, as well as the researches of modern scientists on these issues.

The author reveals a number of inconsistencies between European and Ukrainian legislation on commercial law regulation of education services, in particular the some applied aspects of realizing Ukrainian legislation in practice. In particular, it is revealed that the government quality control of received education services still forming, as a result in Ukrainian practice there are inefficiency of mechanisms of the education system and the labor market coordination. Thus, it is recommended to develop not only external (governmental), but also internal (inside education services provider) quality control systems in education processes as an important role in strengthening the higher education and the labor market coordination.

In the article the author concluded that in the processes of implementation European Union educational legislation it is important to take into account the national characteristics of the legal system, the level of development of Ukrainian education system and the correlation of educational programs with modern society. Despite the form of ownership, the education services provider acts as a full participant of commercial law regulations, deals the contracts, thus assumes obligations for non­compliance with which it is responsible. These aspects of commercial law regulation of educational services will definitely enhance and increase the effectiveness of Euro integration processes in sphere of globalized education.


