Powers Of Prosecutor In Proceeding In Cases Of Administrative Offenses In The Light Of The Legal Regulation Of Functions Of The Prosecutor’s Office Of Ukraine


  • M.M. Stefanchuk


the prosecutor, the case of an administrative offense, the function of supervision over the observance of laws in the application of measures of coercion related to the restraint of personal liberty of citizens, the function of representation by office of public prosecutor of interests of the citizen or the state in court


The article highlights the problematic issues of legal regulation of the powers of the prosecutor in proceeding in cases of administrative offenses related to the realization of the function of supervision over the observance of laws in the application of measures of coercion related to the restraint of personal liberty of citizens; analyzes the powers of the prosecutor on mandatory participation in judicial review cases of administrative corruption offenses as a form of realization of the function of representation by office of public prosecutor of interests of the citizen or the state in court; indicated doctrinal views on these issues; identify promising directions for further research in the area of the issues.

