The Meaning And Scope Of The Contract For The Contracting Of Agricultural Products


  • I.Ya. Kostiv


contracting, agricultural products, contract, scope of the contract.


This article examines the regulation of relations related to the purchase of agricultural products, by concluding a contract for contracting. The author investigates the significance of this agreement and its scope.

Opportunity at your discretion to choose a contract structure, which will essentially reflect the nature of the relationship between the parties are the permissive principle of modern contract law. Him Implementation positively affects both the position of the parties to the agreement, and on system of legal regulation of these relations in general.

For example, if the actual contracting of agricultural products to apply the rules of the supply agreement, the agricultural producer, which is already due to the objective factors of the weakness of the contract, will lose a number of guarantees provided by the law of its legal status. This state of affairs negatively affects the system of legal regulation of contractual relations of the parties as a whole, as it loses the character of a clear regulator of property relations.


