Protection of critical infrastructure as one of the elements of European security


  • Mariia Krasiy


critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure objects


Ukraine’s European choice, which was determined in the initial period of forming the foundations of its foreign policy, was a natural consequence of the country’s independence. It reflects the vital interests of Ukraine, has crystallized from the entire previous history of the Ukrainian people, its mentality and deep democratic traditions, and is based on the legitimate desire of Ukrainian citizens to see their state as an integral part of a united Europe.
Acute socio-political crisis in the context of foreign military intervention in the internal affairs of Ukraine, a sharp increase in extremism and terrorism, an unprecedented increase in crime, including with the use of weapons, the fall of the economy and the growing scale of the humanitarian crisis in the eastern regions of the country, the destruction and damage of numerous enterprises and infrastructure.
In Ukraine, as of today, the concepts of «critical infrastructure» and «critical infrastructure protection» are not disclosed at the legislative level, but they are used in regulations.


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