Historical experience as a source of filling the functions of criminal law policy (on the example of political and legal views of early antiquity)


  • Ihor Kozych


criminal law policy, functions of criminal law policy. political and legal doctrines of ancient Greece.


In the article, the author argues that criminal policy, like any other direction or type of public policy, reflects the existing at a particular historical stage of the principles, methods, methods of implementing the task of combating crime facing the state. It is characterized by relevant features that correlate the level of development of civilization, the role and functions of the state and its bodies, the degree of community participation in political processes and more. These features are obviously not static, they change with the change of historical epochs, form of government, system or regime. Given the huge amount of world heritage of doctrines of state and law, it seems quite promising to study the peculiarities of understanding the functioning of criminal law policy not only in terms of existing legislation at the time, but also taking into account the achievements of political and legal thought.
Traditionally, among the sources of criminal law policy are constitutions (constitutional acts), regulations, international treaties and so on. In fact, their list is reduced to a list of sources (forms) of law inherent in a given legal system or historical epoch. However, some publications emphasize that the sources of criminal policy cannot be exhausted by regulations alone. Some authors refer to the sources of criminal law policy and other components, in particular, historical and legal experience. But they are talking about historical experience in terms of studying the forms (sources) of law; inherent in a certain historical period. The author, using the example of ancient Greece, argues that criminal law policy is a complex dynamic formation, which, obviously, must take into account historical heritage not only in the context of relevant regulations in force at the time, but also certain political and legal doctrines. to some extent reflect different views on criminal law policy and its functioning.


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