Claim for the dissolution of a limited liability company


  • Maria Labno


securing the claim, dissolution, limited liability company, company law.


The following article refers to the issue, relatively rarely raised in the jurisprudence, of the claim for the dissolution of a limited liability company, as one of the methods of corporate rights protection according to the legislation of Poland and partially of the European Union. The intention of the author was to describe the institution of the claim and describe the most essential doubts arising with regard to it’s practical use. The main focus was put on the interpretation problems connected to the condition of “important reasons” and most importantly on the ways of securing such a claim. Even though the institution as such deserves the full approval, as it may function as a last resort for a trapped minor shareholder to leave the company, very broad discretion is left to the doctrine and jurisprudence to formulate practical rules pertaining the use of this claim. Due to this fact further discussion on this topic seems reasonable and beneficial for the economic safety of the market’s participants.


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