Constitutional Protection Of Human Dignity: Comparative Legal Analysis


  • Andrii Stets


Human dignity, human and civil rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.


The practice of constitutional regulation and protection of human dignity in Ukraine as the foundation of a democratic state of law. The article is an attempt to define the term of human dignity. Identifies the basic problems related to the protection of law and civil liberties in the legal order of Ukraine. The article also contains problems related to the application of the law in the field of protection of human dignity.
The right of everyone to respect and protect his dignity in Ukraine belongs to public-private, inalienable human rights, and therefore any violation by any state body, its official, etc., provides grounds for its protection. However, without awareness and understanding of such protection from the state and ensuring its proper level - a person can not be a full member of society.
The author concludes that: 1. The constitutional system of Ukraine is based on the fundamental role of human dignity as a constitutional value for the formation and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. 2. Given that Ukraine has long been part of the Soviet Union, which systematically violated human dignity and human rights, today there are tangible remnants of totalitarian practices on these issues. 3. Every individual as an individual is an intrinsic value, and therefore her dignity is immutable and must be properly protected. 4. Ukraine needs to use the experience of democratic states regarding the fundamental role of human dignity as a constitutional value and the prerequisites for the development of human rights and freedoms, mechanisms for their provision and protection.


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