Legal Status And Creditor’s Protection Of Association As An Entrepreneur


  • Pawel Relidzynski


association, business activity, creditor protection


The article indicates the types of associations under the Polish Law of Associations Act, and analyzes their legal character and organizational structure, with particular attention to the entitlement to conduct business activities. Then, there was presented the legal status of an association conducting business activities and there were described the requirements indicated in separate acts, the meeting of which is necessary for an association to start business activities under Polish law. What is more, as the Law of Associations Act does not include regulations regarding the potential liability of members of the management board of an association in the case of ineffective enforcement from the assets of that association, so the article analyzed the mechanisms of protecting creditors, available in the Bankruptcy Law Act. That is because that Act applies to the associations conducting business activities, which was confirmed by the Supreme Court.


1. E. HADROWICZ, Prawo o stowarzyszeniach. Komentarz (Law of Associations. Commentary), Warsaw 2016.
2. A. RZETECKA-GIL, Prawo o stowarzyszeniach. Komentarz. (Law of Associations. Commentary), LEX 2017.
3. P. SUSKI, Stowarzyszenia i fundacje. (Associations and Foundations), Warsaw 2011.




