Threats To The Terrorist Nature Of Critical Infrastructure Objects: From History To Current Realities


  • Tetiana Denysova


terrorism, terrorist threats, critical infrastructure


Terrorism is recognized by the world community as one of the most dangerous challenges of our time. Recent events show that the activities of terrorist organizations, gaining fundamentally new features, are becoming more sophisticated and cynical. The strategic directions of power shocks are changing, tactics of modern terrorist groups are being improved. In order to achieve their goals, terrorists increasingly target not state and military objects, not political leaders, but ordinary citizens: tourists, shoppers, cultural and sporting events, restaurants, cafes, etc.
Сounteraction to terrorist acts at the objects of the fuel and energy complex should be carried out by increasing the level of efficiency and reliability of protection of existing or under construction, potentially dangerous objects, vulnerable to terrorist attacks and ensuring their sustainable functioning. However, in order to eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the development of terrorist activities, not only legislative changes are required. Questions related to terrorism need to be resolved, first of all, at the interstate level. In this regard, a complex of joint activities in the socio-economic, political spheres, in the religious environment, the search for the elimination of ethnic contradictions, in the information space and in international relations is necessary.


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5. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 18.02.2016 № 92 «Про затвердження Положення про єдину державну систему запобігання, реагування і припинення терористичних актів та мінімізації їх наслідків». [Електронний ресурс]. Законодавство України. Режим доступу: Назва з екрану.




