Selected Issues On Challenging A Resolution Of The General Meeting Of Cooperative Members Under Polish Law


  • Mateush Zhaba


resolution of the general meeting of cooperative, action for an-nulment of resolution, action for declaration of invalidity of resolution, Polish regu-lation


This paper deals with the issues related to challenging resolutions of the gen-eral meeting of cooperative members under Polish law. Two types of actions that are action for annulment of resolution and action for declaration of invalidity of res-olution were analyzed in this paper. It should be emphasized that the main form of these two legal institutions, which are regulated in Art. 42 of the Polish Cooperative Act, to some extent differs from the regulation of challenging resolutions of share-holders’ meeting in companies. According to that the primary aim of this paper was to present the most important difference not only between action for annulment of resolution and action for declaration of invalidity of resolution and premises or terms for bringing these actions, but between challenging resolutions of the general meeting of cooperative and challenging resolutions of the shareholders’ meeting of companies as well.


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