Contract Hire In Modern Public Circulation


  • Andrii Fedoronchuk


rental agreement, consensual agreement, the essential terms of the contract, order contract, distribution agreement.


The article investigates the causes and conditions that prevent the spread of the construction contract hire. The main factors that hinder the development and dissemination of rental construction contract can be divided into legal and socio-economic. It is concluded that the contract of hire enough widespread among ordinary Ukrainian because the regulation is imperfect. Gaps in regulation appears that the legislation should specify that the contract of hire is consensual. The essential terms of the contract of hire is provided on the object, price and term of the contract. To conclude the contract of hire can be not only a citizen of Ukraine, but the foreigner or person without citizenship who have not attained the age of fourteen. During the rental contract, they can produce a passport or other document attesting to their identity. Citizens of Ukraine who wish to enter into a contract of hire can present a passport of citizen of Ukraine not only with a note of registration in areas in which the rental, but with a note of registration in other areas, as well as a note on removal from the place of registration. Amendments to current legislation significantly help to simplify the procedure for contract hire, and therefore would create conditions for its development and dissemination of public circulation in Ukraine. On the other hand, low standard of living, only weakens those processes.


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